Sunday, May 22, 2011

Zach's Eagle Court of Honor

May 15, 2011, Zachary earned his Eagle Scout Court of Honor. We had a small ceremony at the church. There were three other boys that also were awarded the honor. They are Ryan Bate, Luke Daley and Alec Crook. The Bishopric was in charge of the program and they had invited an EAGLE from the Ogden Nature Center. The real eagle sat perched on the owners arm throughout the program and then a picture of each boy was taken with the eagle. The presenter talked about this particular eagle. It had been shot about 10 years ago. Its wing had been destroyed and it was discovered by someone and taken to the nature center. There it recovered and eventually learned to trust humans again. They related this story to our lives and how we to can never give up on ourselves and to learn to forgive others. It was very well done. Congratulations, Zach!

Clark's Wedding

On Friday, May 20, 2011, Clark and Alison were sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple. It was cloudy, windy, cold day, but NO rain! We were grateful while we waited on the Temple grounds for pictures that it was not raining. They were married at 1:40pm with a room full of family and very close friends. Friends that have mostly known Clark is whole life. Friends that helped me raise him and teach him and watch him grown into this amazing young man. I am so proud of him! Alison looked beautiful in her wedding gown and tears of joy slowly trickled down her check as they listened to the words of the covenant and blessings they were partaking of. It truly was a day to rejoice in! I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for His help in guiding Clark to this decision and for sending Alison into his life. Their story is just beginning!

As their story begins, a new chapter of MY story begins as well. This is chapter 4. Chapter 1 is my life as Susan Annette Isaac, written and told in my personal history. Chapter 2 is my life beginning as Susan Andersen, wife of Clark Andersen. Chapter 3 is the history of Susan Andersen, mother of 5 and wife of Clark Andersen. Chapter 4 will become the volume of my life as a grandmother, mother in law and happy lady growing old with her sweet husband. (who is also growing old along side of her!)